Shuumatsu no Valkyrie: Record of Ragnarok Wiki
Shuumatsu no Valkyrie: Record of Ragnarok Wiki

Time of Awakening is the 38th chapter of the "Shuumatsu no Valkyrie: Record of Ragnarok" manga series.


The Gods encourage Shiva to take Raiden Tameemon down while Humanity are scared of how strong Shiva is, despite losing an arm. Deciding to kick things up a notch, Shiva lets out a large bellow while using his upper arms to hit his chest.

Hidden Treasure of Svarga

Shiva uses the Hidden Treasure of Svarga against Raiden Tameemon

The Hindu Gods realize what's happening and cheer. Shiva began to dance to an unusual beat. His footwork was a rhythm of the cosmos, which he alone could perform – it was an unpredictable and deadly war dance.

As Varuna recognizes this as the move that Shiva used to beat him, the Hindu Gods begin to chant out the beat that Shiva dances to. Zeus recalls how this war dance is known as the Hidden Treasure of Svarga and Ares asks Hermes if he's familiar with it. Hermes calls it Shiva's trump card, which he used when he brought that ragtag bunch of Svarga together. He then says it has quite the unique rhythm. Dancing to the Hindu Gods' beat, Shiva charges at Raiden, leaving afterimages as he goes forward.


Raiden Tameemon tries to use Shishimai to crush Shiva under his feet

Shiva then unleashes a flowing combo of punches that push Raiden back. Regaining his footing, Raiden increases the muscle mass in his legs and performs a handstand. He employs Shishimai, falling forward and aiming to crush Shiva under the soles of his feet. But still dancing, Shiva easily dodges and kicks Raiden's back while the Hindu Gods continue to chant out the beat. As soon as Raiden manages to plant his feet on the ground, Shiva uppercuts Raiden with his upper left arm. Following the beat, Shiva first elbows Raiden in the chest, before moving to punch him and then kicks Raiden, who realizes Shiva isn't letting up.

As Shiva continues to punch Raiden, he tells the audience not to let up on the rhythm. As Raiden attempts to defend himself, Rudra joins the audience in chanting the beat for Shiva to follow. Heimdall exclaims Shiva is moving all around Raiden and attacking in a way that doesn't let the rikishi even fall. Ares is in shock at how strong Shiva really is and Hermes begins tapping his foot to the beat of the rhythm, calling it a pleasant tune.


Raiden Tameemon uses Miyama to defend himself from Shiva's fast attacks

As Zeus dances, Ares questions how he can call it pleasant when he can't stop shaking. Hermes explains that, thanks to its unpredictable rhythm, Shiva can keep up a multi-hit attack repeatedly while Raiden is stuck under the impression of being attacked by many different enemies at all sides. Smirking, Hermes admits he would like to "dance" with Shiva one day. As Shiva continues to overwhelm Raiden, Göll begins worrying he'll lose but Brunhilde tells her to look closer at Raiden's arms. With his arms still up to block against Shiva's attacks, Raiden grits his teeth and tells Shiva not to get too cocky. He proceeds to focus all of his muscles into his forearms, creating a wall of flesh known as Miyama. Intrigued, Shiva continues punching, wanting to know which is stronger: Raiden's muscles or his dancing.

Shiva lets loose a large flurry of punches. As he does, Ares notices smoke beginning to cover Shiva's fists. Hermes says he's burning up and explains how Shiva's dancing is causing his body to superheat and combust.


Shiva cauterizes Raiden Tameemon's flesh with Krittivasa

It is one of the secrets of Svarga's Destroyer – Tandava. Shiva continues letting loose a combo of fire-imbued punches at Raiden's Miyama. Raiden inwardly questions how long Shiva is going to keep this up for and is in disbelief at how there's a whole world full of people like this. Just as Raiden can't keep up, Shiva declares his dancing wins and uses his left foot to bring down Raiden's Miyama before jumping off of it. Raising his right foot, which catches on fire, Shiva decides to finish it and unleashes Krittivasa, kicking Raiden from the left side of his face down to his abdominal area. Large amounts of blood spurts out but it immediately turns into steam as the wound was split open and cauterized, much to the horror of Genpaku Sugita.

Everyone watching was convinced that Humanity had suffered its third loss, except Raiden, who softly smiled, calling it a pain.

Characters in Order of Appearance[]


Chapters & Volumes
Volume 1 1234
Volume 2 56789
Volume 3 1011121314
Volume 4 15161718
Volume 5 192021
Volume 6 22232425
Volume 7 26272829
Volume 8 30313233
Volume 9 34353637
Volume 10 38394041
Volume 11 42434445
Volume 12 46474849
Volume 13 50515253
Volume 14 54555657
Volume 15 58596061B1
Volume 16 6263646566
Volume 17 67686970B2
Volume 18 71727374B3
Volume 19 75767778
Volume 20 79808182
Volume 21 83848586
Volume 22 87888990B4
Volume 23 91929394B5
Volume 24 95969798
Volume 25 99100101102
List of Rounds (Manga)
1. Lü Bu vs. Thor 1234567
2. Adam vs. Zeus 78910111213
3. Kojiro Sasaki vs. Poseidon 1314151617181920
4. Jack the Ripper vs. Heracles 2021222324252627282930
5. Raiden Tameemon vs. Shiva 313233343536373839404142
6. Buddha vs. Bishamonten/Zerofuku/Hajun 434445464748495051525354
7. Qin Shi Huang vs. Hades 5556575859606162636465
8. Nikola Tesla vs. Beelzebub 666768697071727374757677
9. Leonidas vs. Apollo 78798081828384
10. Soji Okita vs. Susano'o no Mikoto 84858687888990919293949596
11. Simo Häyhä vs. Loki 9899100101102103