Shuumatsu no Valkyrie: Record of Ragnarok Wiki
Shuumatsu no Valkyrie: Record of Ragnarok Wiki

Zero is the 44th chapter of the "Shuumatsu no Valkyrie: Record of Ragnarok" manga series.


Upon Buddha's declaration that he will kill any God that goes against him, both the crowds of Humanity and the Gods are left in complete awe and dumbfoundedness that they cannot even speak.

Furious Loki

Loki furious at Buddha's betrayal

Watching from his sickbay room, Shiva finds the situation amusing. In his castle, Thor gives a small smile at the situation. Aphrodite, Hermes, Ares and Loki clearly show their anger for Buddha and even Huginn & Muninn are left frightened from Odin's quiet rage. Not even the highest of Gods could conceal their anger.

Göll questions what Buddha is doing, only to notice that Brunhilde is completely unfazed at this turn of events, leading Göll to question if Brunhilde knew this would happen. Brunhilde recounts Buddha's words: "On Heaven and Earth, I alone am the honoured one." She says that Buddha is just far too ballsy to let people move him as they please. Before Round 6 began, Brunhilde came out of her memorial room, wiping her tears. Buddha approached and told Brunhilde that tears don't really suit her, referring to her as "Bu-chan." He offered her some popcorn but Brunhilde refused. Buddha questioned what made Brunhilde cry and Brunhilde said that she was just mourning the dead.

Buddha warns Brunhilde

Buddha tells Brunhilde before the Sixth Round that he will fight for Humanity

Buddha seemed to believe her, though he showed some hesitation. Brunhilde asked what Buddha wanted and as Buddha finished the rest of his popcorn, he relayed to her that Zeus wants him to fight in Round 6. However, Buddha is going to fight for Humanity. With a deadpan expression, Brunhilde thanked Buddha for informing her. He laughed about how unsurprised she is and guessed that she planned this as well. When Brunhilde said she didn't know what Buddha was talking about, Buddha recalled how Brunhilde came to see him to learn more about Samavadhāna and that was even before the conference, meaning Brunhilde has been planning Ragnarok for a long time. Buddha asked if she always intended to turn him against the Gods.

Smiling, Brunhilde said she would never plan something like that before stating that, out of everyone in Valhalla, the only one who hates the Gods the most, is Buddha. Looking at her eyes, Buddha laughed and said he liked Brunhilde's eyes since they're so filled with worldly desires. He guessed that good or evil didn't matter to Brunhilde as long as she can achieve her own personal goal. Buddha said that's fine before whispering into Brunhilde's ear that he won't let her do as she pleases, forcing Brunhilde to sweat in nervousness as he walked past. In the present, Brunhilde tells Göll that Buddha is a truly terrifying person. Meanwhile, Heimdall tells Buddha that he cannot do this as the thirteen Gods and thirteen Humans have already been decided.

Buddha warns Odin

"'Cos in this whole world, I'm just me!!"

However, Zeus approaches, revealing that he does not mind. The only rule of Ragnarok is that there have to be at least thirteen fighters for each side and the first to seven victories win. It doesn't say that a God can't fight for Humanity. After remarking about how a twist like this doesn't come often, Zeus reveals it's enough to make him want to go again and Buddha gladly accepts it, if Zeus wants to fight. Suddenly, Odin stands and asks Buddha if he really wants to do this because he will end up making enemies out of all the Gods. Sighing, Buddha complains about how persistent they all are and says that it doesn't matter whether they're God or Human, good or evil. Because in this world, he is the only honoured one, much to the frustration of Loki.

The Gods begin booing Buddha and Buddha dares them to step up if they're really that upset with him. Zeus then reveals that Buddha's opponent for Round 6 has already been decided.

Seven Lucky Gods arrive

The Seven Lucky Gods enter the arena for the Sixth Round

Suddenly, a chant of "Divine Retribution" fills the air and the Seven Lucky Gods appear atop their boat. After they step into the arena, Zeus tells Bishamonten he'll leave it to him and Bishamonten accepts. As Zeus goes away, Heimdall decides to start and says that instead of Buddha, the one representing the Gods in Round 6 is Bishamonten. However, when he says this, he notices that the rest of the Seven Lucky Gods are still here. He asks them to leave since only Bishamonten was registered as a fighter but Bishamonten tells Heimdall that they aren't seven: they are one. The rest of the Lucky Gods surround Bishamonten, who destroys the armor he's wearing.

Ebisu vows to kill Buddha and runs up to Bishamonten. He jumps and is absorbed into Bishamonten's body to form Bishamonebisu. Hoteison goes next, forming Bishamonebisuhotei. Benzaiten then joins as well, making Bishamonebisuhoteibenzaiten. Daikokuten, Jurojin and Fukurokuju also combine to complete the mix, forming Bishamonebisuhoteibenzaitenjurojinfukurokujudaikokuten. The combination of the Seven Lucky Gods then begins shining, much to Brunhilde's and Göll's surprise.

The Seven Lucky Gods return to Zerofuku

The Seven Lucky Gods return to being Zerofuku to face Buddha in the Sixth Round

In the legend of the Seven Lucky Gods, there is often a hidden eighth member. However, there is not an eighth. Rather, the seven were always one and when that God descends upon the Earth, the sky is blotted, fortune withers away and unspeakable calamities occur. The combined form of the Seven Lucky Gods shatter and reveals the original form of the Seven Lucky Gods: Zerofuku. As Heimdall realises Zerofuku is a kid, Zerofuku takes off the remnants of Bishamonten's mask and vows to murder Buddha. Round 6 of Ragnarok – Zerofuku vs. Buddha.

Characters in Order of Appearance[]


Chapters & Volumes
Volume 1 1234
Volume 2 56789
Volume 3 1011121314
Volume 4 15161718
Volume 5 192021
Volume 6 22232425
Volume 7 26272829
Volume 8 30313233
Volume 9 34353637
Volume 10 38394041
Volume 11 42434445
Volume 12 46474849
Volume 13 50515253
Volume 14 54555657
Volume 15 58596061B1
Volume 16 6263646566
Volume 17 67686970B2
Volume 18 71727374B3
Volume 19 75767778
Volume 20 79808182
Volume 21 83848586
Volume 22 87888990B4
Volume 23 91929394B5
Volume 24 95969798
Volume 25 99100101102
List of Rounds (Manga)
1. Lü Bu vs. Thor 1234567
2. Adam vs. Zeus 78910111213
3. Kojiro Sasaki vs. Poseidon 1314151617181920
4. Jack the Ripper vs. Heracles 2021222324252627282930
5. Raiden Tameemon vs. Shiva 313233343536373839404142
6. Buddha vs. Bishamonten/Zerofuku/Hajun 434445464748495051525354
7. Qin Shi Huang vs. Hades 5556575859606162636465
8. Nikola Tesla vs. Beelzebub 666768697071727374757677
9. Leonidas vs. Apollo 78798081828384
10. Soji Okita vs. Susano'o no Mikoto 84858687888990919293949596
11. Simo Häyhä vs. Loki 9899100101102103