Shuumatsu no Valkyrie: Record of Ragnarok Wiki
Shuumatsu no Valkyrie: Record of Ragnarok Wiki

Ame-no-Murakumo no Tsurugi is the 87th chapter of the "Shuumatsu no Valkyrie: Record of Ragnarok" manga series.


Soji launches

Soji launches towards Susano'o

As he stands ready, Soji Okita's eyes glow red, scaring a few within the Gods' crowd. Keisuke Yamanami assumes this means Soji is going to go full force from the get-go. Shinpachi Nagakura remarks on how it's been a long time since he's seen a healthy Soji in action, which excites Heisuke Todo. When a few members of Humanity's crowd next to him question if a small man like Soji is really the strongest Manslayer, viewing him as a child, Isami Kondo inwardly urges Soji to show them why he is the strongest swordsman of the Bakumatsu, as well as the most feared. Soji rushes forth and begins charging at Susano'o no Mikoto, which Heimdall relays. Sitting on a Japanese-style mat that was installed into their VIP room, Ares scoffs over how Soji is looking down on the Gods too much and guesses this will be over in a second.

Soji vanish

Soji vanishes from sight

Just as Heimdall observes how Soji and Susano'o's ranges are about to overlap, Soji disappears from sight, much to Ares' surprise. Turning around, Susano'o sees Soji by his side before noticing Soji's blade being swung at him, in an upwards motion. Susano'o immediately leaps back, dodging Soji's attack. As soon as Soji lands on the ground, he disappears again. In the air in front of Susano'o, Soji brings his katana down with both hands and Susano'o blocks it with his wrapped-up Divine Weapon, visibly exhilarated.

Soji jumps on Susanoo's leg

Soji jumps over Susano'o's kick and lands on his leg

As Soji plants his feet on the ground and tries to apply pressure, Susano'o compliments him for being even swifter than he had imagined, admitting he lacked even the slightest chance to retreat. Susano'o then swings his wrapped-up weapon to push Soji back before trying to kick Soji in the stomach. Soji reacts to the kick quickly by raising up both his legs and landing his right foot onto Susano'o's outstretched right leg. Soji brings down his katana yet again and Susano'o is forced to block it, supporting himself by dragging the heel of his right foot on the ground.

Susanoo blocks

Susano'o manages to block Soji's strike

While holding back Soji's katana, with the wrappings covering his Divine Weapon a bit torn, Susano'o acknowledges that Soji's Ten'nen Rishin Style is the strongest sword style for true combat. Tightening his grip, Susano'o swings his Divine Weapon with even more force this time, causing Soji to fly back and land on top of a roof. While madly grinning, Soji says this is fun and proceeds to encircle Susano'o, getting on top of the roof behind him. Following him with his eyes, Susano'o leans back to avoid Soji's slash when he comes down. After he has landed, Susano'o draws his Divine Weapon back to land a hit on Soji, only for Soji to quickly run around Susano'o in a circle again. When Soji gets in front of Susano'o and slashes at him, Susano'o narrowly avoids getting cut, agreeing with Soji that this is fun.

Soji Oniko

Soji's Demon Child causes his heart to pump three times more blood

Ares questions how Soji can be that fast but Hermes states it isn't just the speed: in the briefest of moments, Soji's blade carries just enough power to slice an opponent in half. While he sips some tea, Zeus comments on how Soji seems to have a dreadful murderous instinct. As Soji prepares to charge at him again, Susano'o smiles about how this is the "Demon Child", Soji Okita. When Soji reaches the peak of his excitement, red eyes appear and he becomes the Demon Child. The reason his eyes burn bright red is because they are proof of his life force burning up quickly. By having his heart pump three times more blood than the normal amount, all the muscle cells that are in Soji's body are awakened, which allows him to utilize superhuman abilities. Soji unleashes a powerful swing at the same time Susano'o jumps back, resulting in Susano'o's kimono being slightly cut.


Ten'nen Rishin Style Secret Technique: Three Stage Thrust

As Soji moves back a bit, both Hajime Saito and Sanosuke Harada recognize what's coming. Heisuke exclaims this is Soji's special move as Isami cheers for him to go. Excited, Soji thrusts his katana towards Susano'o's face. The Aragami manages to block it with his wrapped-up weapon, prompting Soji to draw back his katana and then thrust a second time at blinding speeds. Susano'o gets knocked back a little and Soji thrusts a third time, fully unleashing the Ten'nen Rishin Style, Secret Technique: Three Stage Thrust. However, much to Heimdall and to Soji's surprise, Susano'o barely stopped his Three Stage Thrust, though the wrappings have been partially broken through and what's underneath has been cracked. Hajime smirks about how Susano'o isn't half-bad while Shinpachi and Heisuke are stunned that Susano'o was able to block the Three Stage Thrust on the first try, believing the attack would've ended the battle had it gone through. With distance made between the two, Susano'o refers to Soji's special move as the "godspeed" Three Stage Thrust, believing it to be a truly frightening technique. Though he stopped it, Ares points out Soji's attack made a really bad sound and worries that Susano'o's Divine Weapon was broken.

Onigiri Ame-no-Murakumo being forged

Onikiri Ame-no-Murakumo was forged by a coalition of Human and God smiths

But Hermes notes what broke just now wasn't the Divine Weapon: it was its scabbard. Susano'o tears away the wrappings that remain, revealing an ornate-looking katana. Someone in the Gods' crowd calls it a gorgeous sword and assumes it's one of the strongest Divine Weapons in Valhalla, Ame-no-Murakumo no Tsurugi. As Heimdall declares the Ame-no-Murakumo no Tsurugi has finally made an appearance, a few in Humanity's crowd are confused since the Ame-no-Murakumo of legend isn't supposed to be a katana but more like a greatsword. Looking at Susano'o's Divine Weapon on the big monitor, a man admires its curvature and tempering. Calling it irresistible, Yasutsuna Hoki, the swordsmith of the Dojikiri, affirms how he really is in love with his own work. Munechika Sanjo, the swordsmith of the Mikazuki, has to agree. Kunitsuna Awataguchi, the swordsmith of the Onimaru, confirms that Susano'o's Divine Weapon is the greatest sword in the history of swords. In the Gods' crowd, the Goddess of Smelting, Kanayagoshin smiles about how that's understandable as the legendary blade was melted down and returned to smelting iron. The God of Flames and Smithing, Hephaestus recalls how a coalition of smiths from both the Gods and Humanity then poured in the essence of all their skill and reforged it into the ultimate sword. Heimdall can't believe the sword that Susano'o is wielding was born from a union between Humanity and the Gods.

Looking at his reforged blade, Susano'o says it is absolutely stunning, though he wanted its debut to have a bit more pomp and circumstance. In awe, Soji tells Susano'o that it's a real nice sword and Susano'o excitedly raves about how there's no other blade that can match it. Across all the plains and heavens, through the annals of history, Susano'o declares this blade is truly the "greatest Owazamono." Its name is Onikiri Ame-no-Murakumo. Susano'o is happy that this day has finally come, insisting no blade is more fitting to slay the Demon Child than this one. Among the audience, Musashi Miyamoto recognizes the blade as amazing and Kojiro Sasaki expresses how surprised he is that Humanity and the Gods combined their power to turn a greatsword into a katana. Hrist mentions how it's definitely not normal to try making a Divine Weapon even stronger than it already is and she comments on Susano'o being a real weirdo, way more than she ever thought. Susano'o says he must have a fight worthy enough to not shame this blade and the God of Swords proceeded to take up a stance for the first time in this death match. The stance that Susano'o chose to take was an unbelievably ordinary stance, known as a Seigan stance.

Shinra Yaoyorozu

Shinra Yaoyorozu

One Human admits he was expecting something a little bit more from the God of Swords and calls the stance that Susano'o has taken, basic. But that was not right in the least. A Japanese swordsman exclaims Susano'o is aiming to perform the "Highest Posture," asserting that is how one pressures with just stance alone. A knight disagrees and insists that Susano'o is going for the "Ox Stance" and is aiming for a thrust, a deuce. Another knight disagrees and believes Susano'o will go for the "Fool's Stance," which aims for a counter kill. A different Japanese swordsman says it looks like the "Eight Directions" stance to him, causing further disagreement as both Spanish and French swordsmen chime in with their opinions. That leaves the first person who thought Susano'o's stance was basic, confused, as to why the swordsmen all seem to have so many different opinions when Susano'o himself hasn't even moved a muscle yet. While the swordsmen in the audience were in an upset, the first to notice something was amiss was the Demon Child, Soji Okita, who began sweating in nervousness. In an instant, the warriors of the Bakumatsu as well as the legends of the Sengoku era, all noticed as well. Kojiro calls it tremendous and Musashi is impressed by the God of Swords' stance. Hrist doesn't get what they all keep going on about as it looks like a basic stance to her. Kojiro tells her that those who are aiming for the pinnacle of swordsmanship should be able to see it and he states that stance is "everything." As a dark aura starts emanating from him, Susano'o smiles and believes that Soji should be able to see it. Susano'o is using Shinra Yaoyorozu, where from just the basic Seigan stance, he is prepared to use every kind of sword stance in history. Like how all Gods have their origins in the heavens, every stance has its origin at the Seigan. With Soji unnerved, Susano'o asserts this is his everything and he encourages Soji to show him his everything as well.

Characters in Order of Appearance[]


Chapters & Volumes
Volume 1 1234
Volume 2 56789
Volume 3 1011121314
Volume 4 15161718
Volume 5 192021
Volume 6 22232425
Volume 7 26272829
Volume 8 30313233
Volume 9 34353637
Volume 10 38394041
Volume 11 42434445
Volume 12 46474849
Volume 13 50515253
Volume 14 54555657
Volume 15 58596061B1
Volume 16 6263646566
Volume 17 67686970B2
Volume 18 71727374B3
Volume 19 75767778
Volume 20 79808182
Volume 21 83848586
Volume 22 87888990B4
Volume 23 91929394B5
Volume 24 95969798
Volume 25 99100101102
List of Rounds (Manga)
1. Lü Bu vs. Thor 1234567
2. Adam vs. Zeus 78910111213
3. Kojiro Sasaki vs. Poseidon 1314151617181920
4. Jack the Ripper vs. Heracles 2021222324252627282930
5. Raiden Tameemon vs. Shiva 313233343536373839404142
6. Buddha vs. Bishamonten/Zerofuku/Hajun 434445464748495051525354
7. Qin Shi Huang vs. Hades 5556575859606162636465
8. Nikola Tesla vs. Beelzebub 666768697071727374757677
9. Leonidas vs. Apollo 78798081828384
10. Soji Okita vs. Susano'o no Mikoto 84858687888990919293949596
11. Simo Häyhä vs. Loki 9899100101102103