Shuumatsu no Valkyrie: Record of Ragnarok Wiki
Shuumatsu no Valkyrie: Record of Ragnarok Wiki

The Primordial Gods is the 88th chapter of the "Shuumatsu no Valkyrie: Record of Ragnarok" manga series.


Odin Prepared

Odin stands off against Buddha and Beelzebub

The Primordial Gods are Gods born from the "chaos of the beginning." They are the very origin of the universe, the progenitors of everything. They once ruled over the entire cosmos. Yet, the Primordial Gods' strength proved to be too strong for even themselves to bear, leading to their self-destruction. Thus, they returned to the chaos of the beginning, according to the Valhalla Theogony. As Odin stands with an ominous aura in front of them, Buddha looks over to Beelzebub and repeats what he had said about reviving a Primordial God. Huginn & Muninn question what the Lord of the Flies is spouting about, waving Arkhé and the Primordial Gods off as just legends, further calling Beelzebub delusional for thinking that is Odin's goal. The ravens admit there are some old Gods who called themselves "primordial" but if actual Primordial Gods existed, Valhalla, Helheim and even the Human World would all be annihilated.

Beelzebub confirms the Primordial Gods are merely a myth to the Gods and that is what he believed as well, until he discovered a forbidden book. In his search for Satan, Beelzebub scoured the libraries of Helheim and just by sheer coincidence, he encountered that specific book in a stack. Titled the Book of Göllnir, Beelzebub reveals the book transcribed how to revive a Primordial God, much to the shock of Buddha and the ravens. So, Beelzebub points out the Primordial Gods clearly existed once, as does the one who knew the method of reviving them, as well as the one who made it forbidden. Muninn questions who in their right mind would write such a thing but Beelzebub ignores him and recalls how most of the book had rotted away so the majority of the sections were indecipherable. However, Beelzebub was able to find one paragraph still intact. "At the moment the water of life is absorbed by the world tree and Odin offers up his body with both eyes, the world will return to its origins."

Thor reapears

Thor appears on the scene

With Buddha and the ravens left speechless at such a revelation, Beelzebub admits it took him a bit longer to make the connection because it had been so long since he read that. While the book describing the revival of the Primordial Gods may be his delusion, for Odin's name to be written inside that forbidden book, leads Beelzebub to guess that is the true nature of Odin's "deep desire." Beelzebub would like Odin to tell him if he's right or not. However, Odin smiles and begins snickering, mocking both Beelzebub and Buddha for constantly asking him to tell them the answers. Odin bursts with laughter before proclaiming to be the Lord of Madness and Lord of Rage. Glaring down on them, Odin labels the two of them as fools and lifts Gungnir as he orders them to begone. Beelzebub and Buddha both get ready to retaliate when bolts of lightning appear around Odin. Walking up to Odin from behind, with bolts of lightning emanating around his sides, Thor questions what they're all doing. Huginn & Muninn are relieved to see Thor and the two fly behind him, saluting him with their right wings.

As Thor stands in front of Odin, against Buddha and Beelzebub, Odin demands Thor get out of his way. Thor doesn't reply to him and Buddha wonders if Thor came here to be Odin's backup. Thor insists he is here for nobody and only has one thing to say. For all the brave warriors who gave their everything in this Ragnarok, if any were to befoul their valor and glory, Thor declares he will not forgive it, no matter who they are. With Odin, Buddha and Beelzebub all silent, Thor decides that, until this Ragnarok is over, all matters of life and death should be confined to the Valhalla Arena.

Kintoki and Adamntine arrive

Kintoki and Adamantine appear at the same time

As fellow warriors, Thor believes that is the respect they must show to the warriors that have fallen. Relaxing, Buddha comments on how surprising it is that Thor's actually a hot-headed guy before agreeing with what he said. Thor turns to Odin and points Mjolnir at him, asking his father if he agrees. The act of Thor pointing his weapon at Odin frighten both Huginn & Muninn. Odin begrudgingly agrees to wait until Ragnarok is over and he turns, walking away and dispelling his Gungnir. Not alright with this, Beelzebub yells about how he'll get his answers, even if he has to force them out, and begins a charge towards Odin. Behind Beelzebub, Adamantine shouts at him to stop. At the same time, in front of Odin, Sakata Kintoki asks Buddha if he's having a scrap. With an aura of vibration around him, Beelzebub warns Adamantine to not interfere, or else he'll erase him. Adamantine uses Beelzebub's own words against him, asking him if he intends to belittle the dignity of the Gods that Hades exuded.

Kintoki explains

Kintoki reveals he was denied entry into Tartarus

Beelzebub goes silent and Adamantine's mask opens, with Adamantine pointing out that Beelzebub is always as cool as ice. Grabbing the skull handle of the Staff of Apomyius (even though it injures him), Adamantine pushes it down and he tells Beelzebub not to start acting so pathetic. Beelzebub relents, prompting both Odin and Thor to continue walking away. As Huginn & Muninn fly after the Norse Gods, Buddha loudly greets Kintoki, who sighs over how Buddha can never stand still. When Odin passes by him, Kintoki receives a silent glare from him, unnerving him. Buddha thanks Kintoki for the save and Kintoki, unaware of who he really is, asks if the grandpa who mean mugged him is supposed to be someone scary. Buddha informs Kintoki that was Odin and laughs about how Odin probably hates Kintoki, due to Buddha telling him that he was having Kintoki poke around in Tartarus. Kintoki is exasperated to hear Buddha did that before sitting on the ground, complaining about how tired he is. Buddha asks what happened and Kintoki recalls how he travelled all the way to Tartarus but the Demon guards wouldn't let him in, insisting there were no exceptions when it came to direct contact with the prisoners. Intrigued, Buddha says that makes him want to meet Siegfried even more and an annoyed Kintoki reminds him that the guards said no exceptions. Offering him his hand, Buddha tells Kintoki that they can chat about it some more while having some candy, which Kintoki is in disbelief about, warning Buddha that he's going to get cavities. Buddha assures him that he brushes his teeth before beginning to walk away, bidding farewell to Beelzebub.

Buddha scolds Beelzebub

Buddha hits Beelzebub over the head with the handle

At that moment, Beelzebub asks Buddha if he doesn't despise him. Buddha seems confused by what he means. Beelzebub confesses that he was the one who planted the seed of Hajun inside Zerofuku. That is why Beelzebub thought Buddha would despise him enough, to tear him limb-from-limb. As Adamantine quietly tries getting Beelzebub to stop, Buddha walks back and confronts Beelzebub, affirming there is that whole thing left to deal with. Bringing out the handle of Zerofuku's Misery Cleaver, Buddha displays a scary expression as Beelzebub closes his eyes and waits for Buddha to attack him. But instead, Buddha simply knocks Beelzebub on the head with the handle. Buddha says Zerofuku entrusted him with this handle and recounts how Zerofuku had taught him that you can't escape hatred welling up in your heart. But if he gave his body over to hatred, Buddha feels as if he'd be betraying Zerofuku. Buddha says he had promised Zerofuku that they'd walk the path of light together. That's why Buddha doesn't hate Beelzebub, which seems to impress Kintoki. As Beelzebub looks at him in silence, Buddha inwardly asks if it's better this way to Zerofuku. Beelzebub sighs about Buddha being a bothersome fellow before retracting the Staff of Apomyius into the skull. Walking away, Beelzebub invites Buddha to try killing him if he ever feels the inclination and believes he may actually succeed, though Buddha doesn't want to find out. A bit confused, Adamantine brings up how Buddha said he doesn't hate Beelzebub yet he still smacked him. Buddha lightly apologizes and says that was his puberty acting up. Adamantine calls him fearless and Kintoki adds on the fact that nothing really bothers Buddha.

Susanoo parries

Susano'o parries Soji's Ryuubiken

At the same time, in the Valhalla Arena, the spectators were engulfed in a bizarre silence, with the only sounds being that of swords clashing against each other. Soji Okita and Susano'o no Mikoto repeatedly clash swords with one another, cutting open a nearby paper lantern in the process. Their duel leaves the audience, including Shiva, Aphrodite, Brunhilde, Göll, Jack the Ripper and Hlökk in silence. After holding Onikiri Ame-no-Murakumo upside-down to block Soji's next slash, Susano'o swings it in an upwards motion and pushes Soji back. Landing directly on the wall of the building behind him, with a wild grin on his face, Soji launches toward Susano'o and swings down his katana with a lot of force. Susano'o jumps back just before the katana can hit him and from there, Soji swings his katana towards his exposed chest, unleashing Ryuubiken. But Susano'o swings down Onikiri Ame-no-Murakumo while still in the air and he deflects Ryuubiken. As Susano'o lands on the ground, Soji's left cheek and a bit of his scarf is cut, as well as part of the large bow around Susano'o's waist. Humanity all cheer with excitement while the Gods are left stunned by this clash of blades in the death match between the God of Swords and the Demon Child. Heimdall goes over how Soji, whose speed reaches that of the Gods, has had every one of his strikes be stifled by Susano'o's Shinra Yaoyorozu. He tried a reflexive counterattack with his Ryuubiken but Susano'o was able to evade it and counterattacked himself. Heimdall insists this is it between the clash of the strongest Godslayer and the strongest Manslayer, labelling this fight as the bloody peak of sword versus sword.

Anubis smells Soji

Anubis enamored by the scent of death wafting from Soji

With Ares frozen in place like a stone statue, Hermes notes how both Soji and Susano'o can't lose focus for an instant before remarking on how Ares seems to have gotten too surprised and lost his soul. Expanding the muscles of his right arm, Zeus says swords are fine but he prefers fists. On the roof of one of the VIP rooms, a drooling Anubis pants about how great this is and regrets letting Susano'o take his turn. Anubis says Soji's irresistible as the scent wafting from him is reaching all the way over here – the sweet, thick scent of death. Musashi Miyamoto is impressed by Shinra Yaoyorozu and Kojiro Sasaki confirms that it is "everything." Susano'o has taken every sword technique that Humanity created and mastered them all in its entirety. In fact, Kojiro believes Susano'o may have reached "beyond" every single style. Hrist nervously smiles about how Susano'o is more like a sword otaku than a sword God. Calling it unbearable, Kojiro is interested to see how Soji Okita, the strongest of the Bakumatsu, will win against a monster like that.

Soji sinister stance

Soji drops his stance completely

Susano'o praises Soji's Ryuubiken as magnificent swordplay and Soji admits it felt like Susano'o's counterattack would slice off both his arms. Earnestly smiling, Soji exclaims this is crazy fun. Hajime Saito smirks at how Soji is having fun, even if a moment's distraction spells instant death. Isami Kondo believes, at this point, there is no reason to fear death. Every single day was a battlefield and death was at their side at all times. To the Shinsengumi, a "fight to the death" is "just another day." Susano'o points out Soji smiling like that is the reason why he was the First Division Captain of the Shinsengumi. The two combatants are both in a Seigan stance against each other when all of a sudden, Soji drops his stance and also his posture. Against the unlimited stance of the God of Swords' Shinra Yaoyorozu, the stance that the smiling Demon Child took was no stance at all.

Soji wounds Susanoo

Soji wounds Susano'o for the first time in the round

Upon seeing Soji throw away his whole form, a few within Humanity's crowd worry that he could've given up already. Musashi wonders if that is the Yagyu Shinkage-Ryu's "Formless Stance" but Kojiro says that isn't quite it, though it looks similar. Kojiro doubts that is a stance Soji learned from someone else. Rather, to survive the hellscape that was the Bakumatsu, Kojiro believes that Soji's body naturally developed such a style, especially since he was constantly submerged in death matches. Hrist is surprised to hear that Soji's body had learned this naturally. While standing against him, Susano'o smiles about how terrific this is and claims he's heating up. Soji reveals the same is happening with him before deciding it's time to go with a serious expression. With Soji's eye glowing red, Susano'o feels the air around him has changed into a piercing sword pressure. Soji begins walking forward to Susano'o, his body moving in a swaying manner. At that moment, while swaying, Soji turns his back to Susano'o and switches the katana to his left hand. He attempts to stab the God of Swords' head but Susano'o is able to just about react in time, moving his head out of the way and clashing Onikiri Ame-no-Murakumo against Soji's katana. Susano'o grits his teeth over how he can't see the "start" of Soji's attack. With their blades locked together, Susano'o uses the Onikiri Ame-no-Murakumo to push Soji's katana down before pulling his sword back. As the two start to close the distance that is between them, Kojiro informs Hrist that Soji surpasses Susano'o in just one thing – the number of times he's skirted death. Before Susano'o can swing Onikiri Ame-no-Murakumo towards him, Soji bashes his katana's pommel against Susano'o's left arm to stall him. As Susano'o figures this is Soji Okita's sword, Soji uses this as an opportunity to land a big slash and wound Susano'o for the first time.

Characters in Order of Appearance[]


Chapters & Volumes
Volume 1 1234
Volume 2 56789
Volume 3 1011121314
Volume 4 15161718
Volume 5 192021
Volume 6 22232425
Volume 7 26272829
Volume 8 30313233
Volume 9 34353637
Volume 10 38394041
Volume 11 42434445
Volume 12 46474849
Volume 13 50515253
Volume 14 54555657
Volume 15 58596061B1
Volume 16 6263646566
Volume 17 67686970B2
Volume 18 71727374B3
Volume 19 75767778
Volume 20 79808182
Volume 21 83848586
Volume 22 87888990B4
Volume 23 91929394B5
Volume 24 95969798
Volume 25 99100101102
List of Rounds (Manga)
1. Lü Bu vs. Thor 1234567
2. Adam vs. Zeus 78910111213
3. Kojiro Sasaki vs. Poseidon 1314151617181920
4. Jack the Ripper vs. Heracles 2021222324252627282930
5. Raiden Tameemon vs. Shiva 313233343536373839404142
6. Buddha vs. Bishamonten/Zerofuku/Hajun 434445464748495051525354
7. Qin Shi Huang vs. Hades 5556575859606162636465
8. Nikola Tesla vs. Beelzebub 666768697071727374757677
9. Leonidas vs. Apollo 78798081828384
10. Soji Okita vs. Susano'o no Mikoto 84858687888990919293949596
11. Simo Häyhä vs. Loki 9899100101102103