Shuumatsu no Valkyrie: Record of Ragnarok Wiki
Shuumatsu no Valkyrie: Record of Ragnarok Wiki

The Conclusion of the Sword's Peak is the 95th chapter of the "Shuumatsu no Valkyrie: Record of Ragnarok" manga series.


For those that master weapons, there is an unachievable dream. The peak of archery is to fire without using a bow. The peak of striking is to strike without using one's fist. Thus, the peak of swordsmanship is to cut without a sword. Is defeating an opponent with an "unarmed" weapon a dream that is truly unachievable? No. Masters who've reached such a state do exist.

Susanoo watches the sword master collapsing

Susano'o watches the old sword master die

In the past, an old swordsman continually swung both his clenched fists in front of a boulder, as if he was gripping a sword. After the old man swung once more, a butterfly tried to rest on the boulder, only to begin losing its footing as waves of sand flowed down across the surface. Miraculously, the boulder ended up split in two. Soon after, the old man's heart ruptured and he died right then. The moment every one of those masters achieved that dream, it was also their end and thus, the technique faded away with the morning dew. On a nearby tree, Susano'o no Mikoto was perched on top of a branch in his crow form, saddened to see what happened to the old man. To achieve such a dream requires surpassing Human limits and finding oneself in the realm of the Gods.

Susanoo's heart reaching its limits

Susano'o's heart suffers the effects of using Musouken

Heimdall is exasperated to say the Sword God, with an invisible blade, has torn the left half of Soji Okita's body to shreds. With Soji on his knees, a sweating Susano'o grins and notes that this is the Musouken. Susano'o's heart throbs and cracks appear around his body, including the left side of his face. Despite that, Susano'o affirms the pain is good. Using his katana to help himself stand, Soji curses at how as soon as he thinks he's surpassed him, Susano'o turns around and shows him up again. He smiles and calls this way too fun, causing Susano'o to agree. Susano'o wishes the two of them could fight for eternity but if he continues to swing this blade, he knows his life is what will be torn asunder. Turning serious, Susano'o insists he cannot allow that to happen. He raises his stacked fists up again and claims victory is his. Watching a powerful gust emanate from Susano'o's body, Soji takes his katana out of the ground and points it forward.

Zeus explains Susanoo's swordless attack

Zeus says Susano'o has reached the realm of Supreme Gods

Ares questions what kind of technique Susano'o is using as he just swung his arms yet Soji took heavy damage. Though he doesn't fully understand the logic, Hermes notes it's just as Heimdall said: Susano'o used a "invisible blade" to destroy his opponent's body from the inside. Ares exclaims that's an absurdly incredible technique. Getting up, Zeus says it seems Susano'o already passed beyond the realm of logic but there is one thing he knows for sure. After eons of swinging his blade with earnestness, it's all stacked up to Susano'o achieving the ultimate peak of the sword and into the realm of the Supreme Gods.

Small streaks of blue aura continue to come off Soji's body and Heisuke Todo is astounded to see he's still on his feet. Shinpachi Nagakura says his name as Hajime Saito, Keisuke Yamanami and Sanosuke Harada watch Soji in nervous silence. Heisuke exclaims this is too much for Soji and covers his eyes but Isami Kondo instructs him to watch until the end. Crying, Heisuke questions how Soji can keep fighting like this and is about to say he should give up at this point when Isami smacks his and Shinpachi's backs. Proudly smiling, Isami insists this is the dream that Soji couldn't achieve when he was on Earth – a fight where he could give it his absolute everything as a samurai. So Isami encourages everyone to watch Soji until the end.

Round 10 final staredown

Soji and Susano'o prepare for their final clash

Susano'o asks if Soji could know the joy he's felt from being able to fight him and Soji assures Susano'o that he feels the same way. As the two fighters stand off, everyone watches them with anticipation, including Anubis, Musashi Miyamoto, Kojiro Sasaki, Hrist, the Shinsengumi, Amaterasu Okami, Zeus, Ares, Hermes, Brunhilde, Göll and Ichimatsu. Steadying his feet and taking in a breath, the stance the Sword God had used was a one-hit kill overhead position that reached the heavens. As Soji's blue aura flares out to engulf his body and katana, Susano'o's own aura spikes as he digs his feet into the ground and proceeds to swing the Musouken.

Soji flies like a Kite

Soji gathers the energy to perform one final attack

The attack connects, breaking the bones in Soji's chest and causing him to cough up blood. While Susano'o's body cracks even further, Soji's aura begins disappearing and he starts falling to the ground. He thinks about how the Gods are strong and how he can't move his body anymore. Since he's given it all he's had this time and has nothing left, Soji believes he can finally die as a samurai this time, slowly fading unconscious when the Shinsengumi shout his name. Widening his eyes, Soji takes a steady step while falling as his blue aura flares up. Thinking of all the time that he spent training while sick, devising Enpi Reiten and the meals he used to have with his comrades, Soji inwardly insists he can still fly as he launches off the steady step he took and charges forward, thrusting his katana at Susano'o as the aura that's around it becomes a wing.

Susanoo filled with holes

Susano'o's body pierced by Heavenly Flight Three Stage Thrust

As blood comes out of his mouth, Soji resolves to make this the final attack of Soji Okita the Samurai. Susano'o is impressed Soji can still swing his sword but steps back and gets out of Soji's reach, resulting in his final attack falling short and Soji stumbling forward, much to Isami's concern. With Soji's sword unable to reach him, Susano'o prepares to decide it by swinging Musouken one more time, only to shiver as he witnesses Soji's aura intensify. Despite Susano'o being out of his reach, Soji thrusts his katana three times at him, using Heavenly Flight Three Stage Thrust. The thrusts are projected from the blade and reach further than the katana can, leading to Susano'o being pierced through his torso three times, once through the heart.

Susanoo banished to Nifelheim

Soji thanks Susano'o as he is sent to Niflhel

Soji then falls to the ground as everyone expresses surprise at how his strike flew. Susano'o smiles over the fact that Soji let his blade fly when he couldn't and reaffirms that Soji is truly the man he admires most, to unleash a strike such as that, even in the state he's in. As Susano'o gets ready to swing down the Musouken, Tsukuyomi no Mikoto shouts for him to win, only for Susano'o's entire body to crack. His hands are the first things to shatter and when he looks up at what's happening, Susano'o remarks on how it seems like he can no longer swing the sword. Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi grieve whilst Izanagi watches silently. Susano'o admits that makes him a bit sad. Soji watches as Susano'o begins to vanish with a smile on his face and he sheds a tear, thanking the Godslayer. With Susano'o gone, the only thing left of him is the broken Onikiri Ame-no-Murakumo on the ground.

With a time of 11 minutes and 25 seconds, the winner of Round 10 of Ragnarok is Soji Okita, tying the score yet again.

Characters in Order of Appearance[]


Chapters & Volumes
Volume 1 1234
Volume 2 56789
Volume 3 1011121314
Volume 4 15161718
Volume 5 192021
Volume 6 22232425
Volume 7 26272829
Volume 8 30313233
Volume 9 34353637
Volume 10 38394041
Volume 11 42434445
Volume 12 46474849
Volume 13 50515253
Volume 14 54555657
Volume 15 58596061B1
Volume 16 6263646566
Volume 17 67686970B2
Volume 18 71727374B3
Volume 19 75767778
Volume 20 79808182
Volume 21 83848586
Volume 22 87888990B4
Volume 23 91929394B5
Volume 24 95969798
Volume 25 99100101102
List of Rounds (Manga)
1. Lü Bu vs. Thor 1234567
2. Adam vs. Zeus 78910111213
3. Kojiro Sasaki vs. Poseidon 1314151617181920
4. Jack the Ripper vs. Heracles 2021222324252627282930
5. Raiden Tameemon vs. Shiva 313233343536373839404142
6. Buddha vs. Bishamonten/Zerofuku/Hajun 434445464748495051525354
7. Qin Shi Huang vs. Hades 5556575859606162636465
8. Nikola Tesla vs. Beelzebub 666768697071727374757677
9. Leonidas vs. Apollo 78798081828384
10. Soji Okita vs. Susano'o no Mikoto 84858687888990919293949596
11. Simo Häyhä vs. Loki 9899100101102103