Shuumatsu no Valkyrie - The Legend of Lü Bu "The Flying General is a spin-off Japanese manga series written by Takumi Fukui & Shinya Umemura and illustrated by Takeo Ono.
A record of Lü Bu's life before Ragnarok.
Manga Guide[]
See Chapters & Volumes (Flying General)
Comic Zenon[]
Chapter Numbering[]
There are several numbering mistakes in the magazine chapter numbering. Chapter 4 and 5 in the magazine, were combined into a single Chapter 4 in the volume version. The magazine then followed with two "Chapter 6", which corrected the numbering with the volume chapter numbering, however Chapter 8 was released twice in the magazine with the second time having extended amount of pages and numbered as "Chapter 9". From that point the magazine and volume chapter numbering are off by 1, for example the magazine labels the chapter as "10", but it's labeled as "9" in the volume version.